Why ARE you still single?


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Its the one question a lot of singles don’t want to be asked, “why are you still single?”. An attractive person still on the market is the equivalent of a used car that is only 1 year old with only 3000 miles, the 50% off iPad 2, or the restaurant that is offering $20 off coupon – it just seems too good to be true. If you came across as someone’s dream person matching all criteria surely you should’ve been good for someone else. Why are you still on the market? Is something wrong with you?

A lot of scenarios will probably race through their minds – “Were they once married? Are they divorced? With kids? Are they confused with their sexual orientation? Did they just come out of jail?”

How do you turn this question into a positive if asked this question? Here are some ways responses where you can turn this question into a positive.

1) “I have high standards” – not only do you turn this into a positive, you elevate yourself. No one can question your standard in selecting the right person.

2) “The timing wasn’t right” – you can steer the discussion away from your singleness to your success stories about your career or school or a passion you were indulged in.

3) “I’m content happy with myself” – this demonstrates independence and confidence in yourself. You don’t need someone to make you feel whole which generally means less drama. You may need to be ready to explain what changed though….

4) “I didn’t have time” – a variant of (2). You can turn this and talk about a passion that you had or simply you were too busy with work or family committments.

So next time you get this question, do not fear!