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You can’t help but the reflect back on how 2010 treated you. I make it a personal habit to review the events of the day and think if I could, how would I have done some things differently. Examples are:
“Could I have said that in a better way?”
“Why didn’t I call so and so..”
“Maybe I should have tipped them an extra $…”
This allows me to review my actions and hopefully learn and be a better person. Similar to the years end, you want to see what were the major events of the year. I’m not talking about the Chilean miners or the World Cup. I am talking about things that are personal to you. Albeit there are things that you cannot control such as the loss of a job, broken friendship, the stock market. However, there are things that you can control.
Even though I didn’t meet my wife through online dating, I do not regret for one day when I made the initiative to gather myself and asked her out. I had my doubts if she was interested in me but I went out on the limb and asked her out. She said “of course!”. We don’t have the most romantic of relationships, the proposal wasn’t anything to envy, our wedding nothing out of the ordinary. But it was special because we had each other. When you finally find someone who you can spend your life with, no one is going to question how you met. All that matters is that you have each other.
Don’t wait for life to come to you. Take the initiative now. Break your boundaries. Opportunity may be knocking but you need to open the door.
May you have a splendid countdown. Be safe!
Jerry, Ashley, and staff xoxo